PSI/Cambodia Shows Our Innovative Side at the 2019 CSEF
Despite the heat of the dry season, Phnom Penh residents, especially students, turned out in high numbers to the Cambodia Science and Engineering Festival (CSEF) on February 21-23, 2019. Upon invitation from USAID, PSI staff was there ready to answer questions from visitors about our innovation initiatives.
Now in its 5th year, CSEF is a high-visibility event bringing in about 30 thousand visitors this year to see inspiring technology and science projects, displays, games and more, exhibited by both for-profit and non-profit organizations. PSI/Cambodia’s stall, in particular, was visited by more than 130 inquisitive students, parents, and professionals as well as distinguished visitors such as U.S. Embassy’s Chargéd’ Affaires Michael Newbill and USAID Director Veena Reddy. We showcased mobile apps which we are using to improve our decision-making and serve our beneficiaries, including:
- District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2), a system designed for end user rather than data storage, is used to give real time data for decision making;
- Health Network Quality Improvement System (HNQIS) application is used to improve the quality of health services delivered by our networks (social franchises, private clinics, etc.) through routine support supervision visits;
- Sale Mobile application is used to manage sale transaction and stock management;
- Referral Application is used to better manage referral and follow up client from pharmacies to franchised network providers.